Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Step 1:  Trace the outlines from the original 
Step 2:  Start to paint on base colors, but
                I always like to start to paint details
                for the costume 1st.
Step 3:  Start to paint the face of the cowgirl
                which look like a cowboy. D:
Step 4:  Play with strokes to bring out the 
                movement of the background.
Step 5:  Some outline of the painting is still 
                remain as the purpose to hold the 
                entire figure with the background.  

Monday, August 27, 2012

Digital Illustration

>Progress thumbnails.

This is the first painting by using Painter 11, 
palette knife brush. I'd enjoying to paint figure
with all kinds of brushes on Painter 11 
or Photoshop. 
Its fun to explore different kind of
brushes with different purposes.

Doodling around

Oh, this is a quick sketch to draw a portrait of my friend.
I'm gonna miss her when she goes for uni at Kelantan.

This Kenji guy.
He wanted me to draw a portrait of him, and I drew him 
a caricature haha. 
 (30 minutes)


This is the comparison of sketch drawing 2008 & 2012.
1st attempt on using brush strokes to draw a figure by referencing 
on the work of 2008.
Hah! I need improvement from all this!

I think this is Alex Pettyfer, but somehow my sister 
told me that he's not Alex who an artist in the movie 
of "Beastly" & "I am Number 4".

However, this girl is just a random sketch of mine.
No purpose at all.

I'm kinda enjoy on painting this Sparta guy when I saw my junior 
that he painted this guy, and I downloaded his work 
and paint on it to make him looks better. LOL.

*^(My junior's work)